Kesia provides family law advice and advocacy, that engages both head and heart.
Kesia has practised family law exclusively since 2009. She was formerly the sole family law partner at a respected firm in central Auckland, having introduced this specialist area of practice to its services for the first time in decades, and being one of the youngest to join the partnership in its more than 100-year history. Kesia handles all types of family law matters, with a particular interest in complex parenting and protection matters, relationship property and financial issues arising out of a separation, and reproductive law (adoption, surrogacy and embryo donation). Kesia’s clients benefit from her various modes of operation: whilst she is a perceptive and tactical negotiator when settlement options are being explored, equally, she is an unyielding and persuasive advocate should Court proceedings be necessary for any reason. In all cases, Kesia acts with professionalism, composure, and integrity; conscious of preserving the mana of all those involved. Kesia enjoys making contributions to the legal profession beyond the work she does in practice. She has written and presented legal seminars to other practitioners about various family law issues for the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS), The Law Association (TLA, formerly the Auckland District Law Society), and Legalwise. She has authored and featured in various articles for NZLS publications, LawTalk and LawPoints; TLA publication, LawNews; New Zealand Bar Association (NZBA) publication, At The Bar; and is a regular contributor to the quarterly magazine of the Family Law Section (FLS), The Family Advocate. She has also taken the opportunity, when invited to comment, to shine a light on family law issues in various television and radio interviews, news media, national magazines and podcasts. Kesia is an appointed member of the FLS Advisory Panel focussed on family law reform. She has been an appointed member of a number of committees, including the Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association and a NZLS Lawyers Standards Committee. Kesia is also an ambassador of White Ribbon New Zealand; selected in recognition of her work in assisting those who have been subjected to family violence. For more information about Kesia, visit |